National Conference
American Criminal Justice Association - Lambda Alpha Epsilon
It's now easier than ever to register for the conference. Register online or via paper form.
It's now easier than ever to register for the conference. Register online or via paper form.
Register Now
Paper Registration Form
- Please print this form and complete a copy for each conference attendee. Mail the form with a check to the address indicated.
Competition Levels are:
Lower Collegiate: Those enrolled in an accredited undergraduate degree program and have completed no more than 70/105 semester/quarter hours and no less than 12 semester hours/18 quarter hours.
Upper Collegiate: Those enrolled in an accredited undergraduate degree program who have completed more than 70/105 semester/quarter hours of course work.
Professional: The category of Professional includes anyone having current or past paid employment in the field of Criminal Justice, regardless of educational standing (excluding paid internships, and/or criminal justice-related employment not requiring certification [or equivalent] or state/local training and obtained solely to support a criminal justice education). Questionable situations shall be referred to the National President for a decision, which shall be final.
Not Sure? Email the National Office for review.
Not Sure? Email the National Office for review.
Registration: All competitors must register as Members. Guest Registrations are not eligible to compete in the competitions.